CheckUp Online Survey


Thank you for considering participating in our CheckUp project online questionnaire. The project is being led by Dr. Alexandra King, a clinician and a researcher with the University of Saskatchewan, in partnership with the Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada, the Nunavik Regional Board of Health and Social Services and the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation. This research is supported by grants from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research – Institute of Indigenous Peoples' Health and the University of Saskatchewan.

What is this survey about?

This is a voluntary survey. Our goal is to understand ways to promote healthy sexuality and wellness in First Nations, Inuit and Métis youth. We are asking questions about gender and sexual identity, practices around sexual health and sexual health services in relation to culture and wellness. There are no direct benefits to you for participating in this study but your confidential answers will increase our knowledge on Indigenous youth health and wellness. These may be used to inform public health authorities and organizations on how to improve service delivery in the future.

If you choose, you may enter your email address for a draw to win gift cards after the completion of the survey. You will be directed to a separate link so that your survey response is not associated with your email address. Draws will be held every other month to randomly select the winners of gift cards valued at $50. You will be contacted by the research team if you are selected. Your refusal to participate in the contest will not impact your eligibility for this survey. Your email address will be stored separately on secure servers hosted by the USask and permanently deleted immediately we conclude data gathering for the survey.

Who can participate in this survey?

This survey is open to First Nations, Inuk (Inuit) and Métis individuals who are between 18 and 40 years of age. The survey is strictly anonymous and could take between 15 and 20 minutes to complete. We will not disclose any individual response to the survey; only grouped summaries will be shared. We will not ask you for your name or contact information either.

If you decide not to participate, you can exit the survey or close your browser at any time. You may also choose not to answer any questions you do not feel comfortable with. You should also know that your response cannot be removed after it is submitted because it is completely anonymous.

You may skip any questions that make you uncomfortable; we know that some of them are very personal. If you need mental health and wellness support at any time during or after completing the survey, please call the Hope for Wellness Line at 1-855-242-3310 or connect to the online chat at Service is also available in Cree, Ojibway and Inuktitut.

Please call 1-888-642-2725 or click here if you need to locate sexual and reproductive health services close to you.

Additional links to help and support including links to resources in the province or territory where you live can be found here.

How will your responses be kept private?

Your responses are completely anonymous. We will not collect your name, contact information or any identifying information during this survey. This survey is hosted by USask REDCap. Your data will be stored in facilities hosted in Canada. Please click the link for more information on the REDCap Privacy Policy.

Survey data and responses may be stored on a password-protected computer during analyses, but moved to a USask online system for long-term storage and permanently deleted after 5 years post-publication.

How will the results be made available?

Your anonymous answers will be combined with others and documents will always refer to groups of people, never to one person. Findings will be used in lay reports and academic publications. A summary will also be published on It is our expectation that the summary is available for viewing on the website by September 2022.

Do you have any questions or concerns?

If you have any comments, concerns, or questions about this research, please contact Dr. Alexandra King (; 306-966-4495). This research project has been approved on ethical grounds by the University of Saskatchewan Research Ethics Board. Any questions regarding your rights as a participant may be addressed to that committee through the Research Ethics Office (; 306-966-2975). Out of town participants may call toll-free 888-966-2975.

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